
实验室硕士研究生潘韦同学的论文“Learning New Word Semantics with Conceptual Text”( 作者:潘韦,刘天元,张文涛,孙宇清)被IJCNN2021会议录用。

第31届神经网络国际联合会议(The 31st International Joint Conference on Neural Network, IJCNN 2021)将于2021年7月18日-7月22日以线上会议形式召开。IJCNN是IEEE计算智能学会和国际神经网络学会的旗舰会议。它涵盖了神经嵌入系统、表示学习、深度语义计算等广泛的研究方向。

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the embedding problem of Chinese new word with respect to its conceptual definition or description, which is especially important for understanding specialty documents. We present a two-stage model to learn the Chinese new word embedding, where the first encodes the information of character components and context, and the second aggregates the semantics of multiple texts. We perform extensive experiments to verify the proposed method and the results outperform the state of art methods on both direct semantics verification and advanced NLP tasks. Comparing with previous methods that require a corpus or an elaborately designed dataset for learning a new word embedding, our method requires only a few pieces of text and supports the evolution of meanings. We also experimentally verify the effects of different parts of model, the number and types of conceptual texts. Finally, we present some biology texts to illustrate whether the specialty semantics are encoded in the word embedding.


引用:Wei Pan, Tianyuan Liu, Wentao Zhang and Yuqing Sun. Learning New Word Semantics with Conceptual Text [C]. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2021.