祝贺实验室谢翌博士的论文被国际数据库顶级会议ICDE 2022录用
实验室谢翌博士为第一作者的论文“Subspace Embedding Based New Paper Recommendation”(作者:谢翌,李稳,孙宇清,Elisa Bertino)被国际数据库顶级会议ICDE 2022录用。
ICDE 2022会议即第38届IEEE国际数据工程大会(The 38th IEEE International Conference On Data Engineering , ICDE 2022),计划于2022年5月9日-12日于马来西亚吉隆坡以线上会议形式召开。ICDE是数据库领域最权威的国际顶级学术会议之一,是CCF推荐的A类会议,与SIGMOD、VLDB并称为数据库领域的国际三大顶会。
Abstract—As huge numbers of academic papers are published every year,it is critical to be able to recommend high quality papers. The typical evaluation method for papers is to use citation information,which however is not applicable to new papers. To address such a shortcoming,in this paper,we consider a novel perspective on the association between the content difference of a paper,with respect to other papers, and its innovation. Since innovation has often domain-specific characteristics and forms, we introduce the concept of subspaceto describe the commonly recognized aspects of paper contents, namely background, methods and results. A set of expert rules are formalized to annotate the differences between papers, based on which a twin-network is proposed for learning the embeddings of papers in different subspaces. A series of empirical studies show that there are clear correlations between a paper influence and its difference with others in those subspaces. The results also show the characteristics of innovation in different scientific disciplines. To take into account information about academic networks for paper recommendation, we propose a graph convolutional neural method to combine the paper content with other related elements, where user interests and academic influences are modeled asymmetric. Experimental results on real datasets show that our method is more effective than other baseline methods for new paper recommendation. We also discuss the characteristics of scientific disciplines and authors to show the effectiveness of modeling the asymmetric user interests and influences. Finally,we verify the reusability of our method on a patent dataset. The results show that it is also applicable to academic data with low-resource features.