祝贺实验室刘天元博士的论文被人工智能领域旗舰会议AAAI 2023录用

       实验室刘天元博士为第一作者的论文“Unsupervised Paraphrasing under Syntax Knowledge”(作者:刘天元,孙宇清,吴佳琪,徐熙,韩雨辰,李成,龚斌)被人工智能领域旗舰会议AAAI 2023录用。

       AAAI 2023会议即第37届AAAI人工智能大会(The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023),计划于2023年2月7日-14日于马美国华盛顿举行。AAAI的全称是人工智能促进协会(Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence),是人工智能领域的主要学术组织, 汇集了全球顶尖人工智能领域专家学者,主办的AAAI会议是人工智能研究领域的旗舰会议,也是CCF推荐的人工智能方向A类会议。


 Unsupervised Paraphrasing under Syntax Knowledge

       Abstract—The soundness of syntax is an important consideration for the paraphrase generation task. Most methods control the syntax of paraphrases by embedding the syntax and semantics as latent information in the generation process such that they cannot guarantee the syntactical correctness of results. Different from them, in this paper we investigate the structural patterns of word usages termed as the word composable knowledge and integrate it into the paraphrase generation to control the syntax in an explicit way. This syntax knowledge is learned by pretraining on a large corpus with the dependency relationships and formed as the probabilistic function on word-level syntactical soundness. For sentence-level correctness, we design a hierarchical syntax structure loss function, which quantifies the dependency relations in the whole paraphrase against the given template. Thus, the generation process can select the appropriate words taking into account both the semantics and the syntax. The proposed method is evaluated on a few paraphrase datasets. The experimental results show that the quality of paraphrases by our proposed method outperforms the comparison methods, especially in terms of syntax correctness.

